Part VI of the Indian Constitution deals with the States in India. This part outlines the structure, powers, and functioning of the state governments within the country. It also addresses various aspects of state administration, including the relationship between the state government and the central government, the Governor's role, and the High Courts. Part VI comprises Articles 152 to 237.

Here's an overview of the key provisions and aspects of Part VI of the Indian Constitution:

**Article 152**: Definition: This article defines the term "State" for the purpose of Part VI of the Constitution. It includes the governments and legislatures of the States and the local or other authorities within the territory of the State.

**Article 153**: Governors of States: This article establishes the office of the Governor as the constitutional head of each State in India. It outlines the qualifications, appointment process, term, powers, and functions of the Governor. The Governor is the representative of the President in the State and performs various functions, including the executive, legislative, and discretionary powers.

**Article 154**: Executive Power of State: This article vests the executive power of the State in the Governor, and it is exercised by them either directly or through officers subordinate to them.

**Article 155**: Appointment of Governor: This article details the appointment process for Governors, who are appointed by the President of India.

**Article 156**: Term of Office of Governor: This article stipulates the term of office for Governors, which is five years, and the conditions under which the term can be extended or shortened.

**Article 157**: Qualifications for Appointment as Governor: This article outlines the qualifications that an individual must possess to be eligible for appointment as a Governor.

**Article 158**: Conditions of Governor's Office: This article specifies the conditions that a Governor must fulfill during their term of office.

**Article 159**: Oath or Affirmation by Governor: This article mandates the Governor to take an oath or affirmation before entering upon their office.

**Article 160**: Discharge of the Functions of the Governor: This article outlines the arrangements for the discharge of the functions of the Governor in case of absence, illness, or any other reason.

**Article 161**: Power of Governor to Pardon, etc.: This article empowers the Governor to grant pardons, reprieves, respites, or remissions of punishment, or to suspend, remit, or commute the sentence of any person convicted of an offense against any law relating to a matter to which the executive power of the State extends.

**Article 162**: Extent of Executive Power of State: This article defines the extent of executive power of the State, which includes all matters on which the State Legislature has the power to make laws.

**Article 163**: Council of Ministers to Aid and Advise Governor: This article outlines the role of the Council of Ministers in aiding and advising the Governor in the exercise of their functions, except in matters where the Governor is required to act in their discretion.

**Article 164**: Other Provisions as to Ministers: This article contains provisions related to the appointment, tenure, and responsibilities of ministers in the State government.

**Article 165**: Advocate General for the State: This article provides for the appointment of an Advocate General for the State, who is the highest law officer in the State and represents the State government in legal matters.

**Article 166**: Conduct of Business of the Government of a State: This article deals with the rules for the conduct of government business in the State, including the allocation of business among ministers.

**Article 167**: Duties of Chief Minister as respects the furnishing of information to Governor, etc.: This article outlines the duties of the Chief Minister in providing information to the Governor about the administration of the affairs of the State.

**Article 168**: Constitution of Legislatures in States: This article deals with the constitution of the State Legislature, which consists of the Governor and the legislative assembly, or, in the case of a bicameral legislature, the legislative council as well.

**Article 169**: Abolition or Creation of Legislative Councils in States: This article provides the procedure for abolishing or creating a legislative council in a State.

**Article 170**: Composition of the Legislative Assemblies: This article outlines the composition of the legislative assembly in each State and the manner of election of its members.

**Article 171**: Composition of the Legislative Councils: This article provides for the composition of the legislative council in a State that has one.

**Article 172**: Duration of State Legislatures: This article specifies the duration of the legislative assembly of a State, which is five years, and empowers the assembly to extend its term during a proclamation of emergency.

**Article 173**: Qualification for Membership of the State Legislature: This article outlines the qualifications a person must possess to be eligible for membership in the State Legislature.

**Article 174**: Sessions of the State Legislature, Prorogation and Dissolution: This article deals with the summoning, proroguing, and dissolution of the State Legislature.

**Article 175**: Right of Governor to Address and Send Messages to the House or Houses: This article grants the Governor the right to address and send messages to the State Legislature.

**Article 176**: Special Address by the Governor: This article outlines the procedure for the Governor to address the State Legislature at the commencement of the first session after each general election and the first session of each year.

**Article 177**: Rights of Ministers and Advocate General as respects the Houses: This article grants the right to ministers and the Advocate General to speak in and take part in the proceedings of the State Legislature.

**Article 178**: Conduct of Business: This article deals with the conduct of business in the State Legislature.

**Article 179**: Oath or Affirmation by Members: This article mandates members of the State Legislature to take an oath or affirmation before taking their seats.

**Article 180**: Vacation and Resignation of, and Removal from, the Offices of, Speaker and Deputy Speaker: This article outlines the procedures for vacation, resignation, and removal of the offices of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.

**Article 181**: Power to Deputy Speaker or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Speaker: This article outlines the arrangements for the Deputy Speaker or any other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, the Speaker.

**Article 182**: The Speaker or the Deputy Speaker not to preside while a resolution for his removal from office is under consideration: This article specifies that the Speaker or Deputy Speaker shall not preside over the State Legislature while a resolution for their removal from office is under consideration.

**Article 183**: Decision on questions as to disqualifications of members: This article provides for the procedure to decide on questions regarding the disqualifications of members of the State Legislature.

**Article 184**: Penalty for sitting and voting before making oath or affirmation under Article 179 or when not qualified or when disqualified: This article deals with the penalty if a person sits or votes in the State Legislature before taking the oath or affirmation, or when they are not qualified or are disqualified.

**Article 185**: Powers, privileges, etc., of the houses of the State Legislature and of the members and committees thereof: This article outlines the powers, privileges, and immunities of the State Legislature, its members, and its committees.

**Article 186**: Salaries and allowances of members: This article deals with

 the salaries and allowances of members of the State Legislature.

**Article 187**: Secretariat of State Legislature: This article provides for the establishment of a secretariat for the State Legislature.

**Article 188**: Oath or affirmation by members: This article mandates members of the legislative council to take an oath or affirmation before taking their seats.

**Article 189**: Vacation and resignation of, and removal from, the offices of Chairman and Deputy Chairman: This article outlines the procedures for vacation, resignation, and removal of the offices of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the legislative council.

**Article 190**: Power to Deputy Chairman or other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, Chairman: This article outlines the arrangements for the Deputy Chairman or any other person to perform the duties of the office of, or to act as, the Chairman.

**Article 191**: Disqualifications for membership: This article outlines the grounds of disqualification for membership of the State Legislature.

**Article 192**: Decision on questions as to disqualifications of members: This article provides for the procedure to decide on questions regarding the disqualifications of members of the legislative council.

**Article 193**: Salaries and allowances of members: This article deals with the salaries and allowances of members of the legislative council.

**Article 194**: Powers, privileges, etc., of the houses of the State Legislature and of the members and committees thereof: This article outlines the powers, privileges, and immunities of the legislative council, its members, and its committees.

**Article 195**: Secretariat of the State Legislature: This article provides for the establishment of a secretariat for the legislative council.

**Article 196**: Provisions as to the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council of a State: This article deals with the provisions related to the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Council of a State.

**Article 197**: Salaries and allowances of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker and the Chairman and Deputy Chairman: This article outlines the salaries and allowances of the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Chairman, and Deputy Chairman of the State Legislature.

**Article 198**: Rules of procedure: This article provides for the power of the State Legislature to make rules for regulating its procedure and the procedure of its committees.

**Article 199**: Regulation by law of procedure in the Legislature of the State in relation to financial business: This article outlines the power of the State Legislature to regulate its procedure in relation to financial matters.

**Article 200**: Assent to Bills: This article outlines the procedure for giving assent to bills passed by the State Legislature.

**Article 201**: Bills reserved for consideration: This article deals with bills reserved by the Governor for the consideration of the President.

**Article 202**: Annual financial statement: This article outlines the requirement for the presentation of an annual financial statement (budget) in the State Legislature.

**Article 203**: Procedure in Legislature with respect to estimates: This article outlines the procedure in the State Legislature with respect to estimates of expenditure included in the annual financial statement.

**Article 204**: Appropriation Bills: This article deals with the appropriation bills that provide for the appropriation out of the Consolidated Fund of the State of all moneys required to meet the expenditure charged on that fund.

**Article 205**: Supplementary, additional or excess grants: This article provides for the procedure related to supplementary, additional, or excess grants in the State Legislature.

**Article 206**: Vote on account, votes of credit and exceptional grants: This article outlines the provisions related to votes on account, votes of credit, and exceptional grants in the State Legislature.

**Article 207**: Special provisions as to financial Bills: This article outlines special provisions related to financial bills, including money bills and other financial matters.

**Article 208**: Interpretation: This article provides for the power of the State Legislature to regulate its procedure in relation to its business.

**Article 209**: Regulation by law of procedure in the Legislature of the State in relation to financial business: This article deals with the power of the State Legislature to regulate its procedure in relation to financial matters.

**Article 210**: Language to be used in the Legislature: This article outlines the language to be used in the State Legislature.

**Article 211**: Restriction on discussion in the Legislature of a State: This article provides for restrictions on discussion in the State Legislature in regard to the conduct of judges of High Courts and the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India.

**Article 212**: Courts not to inquire into proceedings of the Legislature: This article deals with the immunity of the proceedings of the State Legislature from being inquired into by courts.

**Article 213**: Power of the Governor to promulgate Ordinances during recess of Legislature: This article outlines the power of the Governor to promulgate ordinances during the recess of the State Legislature.

**Article 214**: High Courts for States: This article provides for the establishment of High Courts for each State.

**Article 215**: High Courts to be courts of record: This article designates High Courts as courts of record and outlines their powers and privileges.

**Article 216**: Constitution of High Courts: This article outlines the composition and jurisdiction of High Courts.

**Article 217**: Appointment and conditions of the office of a Judge of a High Court: This article deals with the appointment, qualifications, and conditions of the office of a Judge of a High Court.

**Article 218**: Application of certain provisions relating to Supreme Court to High Courts: This article provides for the application of certain provisions related to the Supreme Court to High Courts.

**Article 219**: Oath or affirmation by Judges of High Courts: This article mandates Judges of High Courts to take an oath or affirmation before entering upon their office.

**Article 220**: Restriction on practice after being a permanent Judge: This article restricts Judges of High Courts from practicing in any court or before any authority in India after their term as a permanent Judge.

**Article 221**: Salaries, etc., of Judges: This article outlines the salaries and allowances of Judges of High Courts.

**Article 222**: Transfer of a Judge from one High Court to another: This article deals with the transfer of Judges from one High Court to another.

**Article 223**: Appointment of acting Chief Justice: This article deals with the appointment of an acting Chief Justice of a High Court.

**Article 224**: Appointment of additional and acting Judges: This article deals with the appointment of additional and acting Judges of a High Court.

**Article 224A**: Appointment of retired Judges at sittings of High Courts: This article deals with the appointment of retired Judges for sitting in the High Court.

**Article 225**: Jurisdiction of existing High Courts: This article preserves the jurisdiction of existing High Courts at the commencement of the Constitution.

**Article 226**: Power of High Courts to issue certain writs: This article grants the power to High Courts to issue writs for the enforcement of fundamental rights and other purposes.

**Article 227**: Power of superintendence over all courts by the High Court: This article grants the High Court the power of superintendence over all courts and tribunals throughout the territories in relation to which it exercises jurisdiction.

**Article 228**: Transfer of certain cases to High Court: This article deals with the transfer of certain cases to a High Court from a subordinate court.

**Article 229**: Officers and servants and

 the expenses of High Courts: This article outlines the appointment and conditions of service of officers and servants of High Courts.

**Article 230**: Extension of jurisdiction of High Courts to Union territories: This article provides for the extension of the jurisdiction of a High Court to a Union territory.

**Article 231**: Establishment of a common High Court for two or more States: This article provides for the establishment of a common High Court for two or more States.

**Article 232**: Related provisions: This article deals with the power of Parliament to provide for the jurisdiction of a common High Court in relation to Union territories and States.

**Article 233**: Appointment of district judges: This article outlines the appointment of district judges by the Governor.

**Article 234**: Recruitment of persons other than district judges to the judicial service: This article outlines the recruitment of judicial officers other than district judges.

**Article 235**: Control over subordinate courts: This article provides for the control over subordinate courts by the High Court.

**Article 236**: Interpretation: This article provides for the interpretation of Part VI of the Constitution, which deals with the States in India.

Part VI of the Indian Constitution establishes the framework for the state governments, the role of Governors, the functioning of state legislatures, and the powers and jurisdiction of High Courts. It ensures the separation of powers, the independence of the judiciary, and the proper functioning of the state machinery at the regional level.

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