U.S. Knew Saudis Were Killing African Migrants but Kept Silent

The United States was told last year that Saudi security forces were shooting, shelling and abusing groups of migrants, but it chose not to raise the issue publicly.The United States was told last year that Saudi security forces were shooting, shelling and abusing groups of migrants, but it chose not to raise the issue publicly.Ben Hubbard and Edward Wong2023-08-27T01:05:17.000Z2023-08-27T01:05:17.000Z[Collection]Illegal Immigration, Human Rights and Human Rights Violations, War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights Watch, United Nations, Biden, Joseph R Jr, Aden (Yemen), Ethiopia, Europe, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, United States2023-08-27T01:05:17.000Z
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